客户提供必要的产品或材料样本或及所要产品规格参数等,我们则将为您介绍有关认证及检测注意事项。 |
Clients supply the samples and detail information of products. We will introduce the detail information of certification process. |
客户提出申请,我们将同客户书面确认申请信息,并在确认相关费用后给出书面报价合同。 |
Clients submit application. Sign certification contract after confirming the certification cost. |
客户预支付费用后,即由相应的项目工程师或技术负责人员负责该项目进行检测工作。 |
After clients pay prepayment, project engineers start testing and construction check. |
完成样品测试工作,颁发测试报告,有些认证标志则在发证之前,需对工厂生产过程控制和质量控制进行监督检查。(比如GS/UL/CSA/ETL/CCC认证等) |
Finished all the testing, before approved certification, project engineers will do Factory Inspection for the production process and quality control of factories. |
在确认有关报告数据及资料完整后,签发最终合格证书,授权你的产品使用相关的安全标志。 |
After confirming all the information and reports, we will approve the certification and authorize the relevant safety mark to products. |