法国食品级认证 - DGCCRF认证
DGCCRF No.2004/64是法国竞争、消费和抑制欺诈总理事会(食品控制)2004年颁布的关于食品接触材料方面的法规,该法规明确列出并规定了与食品接触材料的用途,并规定了实验室针对以下材料进行检测时的方法和限值。该法规列出的测试产品类别:1.塑胶 2.聚合物 3.纸类 4.陶瓷、玻璃类 5.不锈钢、铝材、合金、无镀层金属类 6.有金属镀层的金属、合金类 7.有机镀层的金属、合金类 8.橡胶类
销往法国的这类产品,除符合欧盟Regulation(EC) No.1935/2004法规要求外,还须符合法国当地的法规要求,包括French DGCCRF 2004-64 and French Décret no 92-631。法国法规不单对与食品接触的塑料橡胶制品有特殊要求,对金属产品也有特殊的分类和要求,如:带有机涂层的炊具,除涂层表面需测试外,对作为基材的金属也有对应的要求。
一般塑料制品要求(如PE, PP等)
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Full test of overall migration test 全面迁移全套测试
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油浸取法
Full test of overall migration test 全面迁移全套测试
Residual vinyl chloride monomer 氯乙烯单体测试
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物异辛烷浸取法
Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物95%酒精浸取法
Full test of overall migration test 全面迁移全套测试
Extractable formaldehyde 甲醛溶出量测试
Ceramic, Glass, Crystal 陶瓷,玻璃,水晶制品要求
Contact with food part - Leachable lead and cadmium 与食品接触部分铅镉溶出量测试
Cup & Mug rim - Additional test Leachable lead and cadmium 杯边测试
Enamel ware搪瓷制品要求
Contact with food part - Leachable lead, cadmium and chromium(VI) 铅,镉,六价铬溶出量测试
Cup & Mug rim - Additional test Leachable lead, cadmium and chromium(VI) 杯边测试
Rubber 橡胶塑料制品要求
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物异辛烷浸取法
Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物95%酒精浸取法
Full test of overall migration test 全面迁移全套测试
N-nitrosamine content and N-nitrosable substances 亚硝胺和亚硝胺化合物测试
Volatile organic matter(VOM) 有机挥发物总量
Extractable aromatic amines 芳香胺溶出量测试
Extractable formaldehyde 甲醛溶出量测试
Peroxide value 过氧化值测试
Silicone Rubber 硅橡胶制品要求
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物异辛烷浸取法
Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物95%酒精浸取法
Full test of overall migration test 全面迁移全套测试
Volatile organic matter(VOM) 有机挥发物总量
Peroxide value 过氧化值测试
Organotin content 有机锡化合物测试
Pentachlorophenol(PCP) 五氯苯酚测试
Additive Sensory test – taste and odor to wood with varnish, paint or lacquer 对带清漆, 色漆的木制品的附加测试-感官测试-味道和气味
Paper and Paperboards 纸制品要求
Pentachlorophenol(PCP) 五氯苯酚测试
Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) 多氯联二苯
Formaldehyde Release 甲醛释放量
Extractable heavy metal(lead, cadmium, mercury, chromiumVI) 重金属溶出量(铅,镉,汞,六价铬)测试
Transfer of antimicrobial constituents 抗菌成分迁移测试
Hot water extraction(for filter paper only) 热水溶出物测试(仅限于过滤用纸)
Sensory test - taste and odour to the integrate product 感官测试-味道和气味
Stainless Steel 不锈钢制品要求 1.带金属镀层 2.不带金属镀层
Metal composition test 金属成分分析
Content of undesirable elements 限制金属含量测试
1.Migration of Nickel and Chromium in distilled water 水中重金属镍和铬迁移测试
1.Migration of Nickel and Chromium in 0.5%citric acid(p/v) 0.5%柠檬酸中重金属镍和铬迁移测试
2.Additive Overall migration to Stainless Steel with organic coating 对带有机涂层的不锈钢制品的附加测试-全面迁移测试:
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物异辛烷浸取法
Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物95%酒精浸取法
Aluminum and Aluminum alloy 铝和铝合金制品要求 1.带有机涂层
Metal composition 金属成分分析(铝/铝合金)
1.Additive Overall migration to Aluminum or Aluminum alloy with organic coating 对带有机涂层的铝制品的附加测试-全面迁移测试
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物异辛烷浸取法
Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物95%酒精浸取法
Carbon Steel(Not for food storage) 非贮存食品的碳钢制品要求 1.带金属镀层 2. 带锌电镀 3.带有机涂层
Content of undesirable elements 限制金属元素测试(基材)
1.Migration of Ni and Cr in distilled water 纯水中铬镍迁移
1. Migration of Ni and Cr in 0.5%citric acid (p/v) 0.5%柠檬酸中铬镍迁移
2. Migration of Ni and Cr in distilled water 纯水中铬镍迁移
2. Migration of Ni and Cr in 0.5%citric acid (p/v) 0.5%柠檬酸中铬镍迁移
3. Overall migration in distilled water 纯水中全迁移
3. Overall migration in 10% ethanol 10%乙醇中全迁移
3. Overall migration in substitute of rectified olive oil 橄榄油替代物全迁移
Steel for food storage 用于食物储存的钢铁 1.带金属镀层
Metal composition test 金属成分分析
3. Overall migration in distilled water 纯水中全迁移
3. Overall migration in 10% ethanol 10%乙醇中全迁移
3. Overall migration in substitute of rectified olive oil 橄榄油替代物全迁移
Cast Iron铸铁制品要求 1.带金属镀层 2. 带有机涂层
Content of Lead (base material) 铅含量(基材)
Content of undesirable elements 限制金属元素测试(仅对于带金属电镀的铸铁)
Migration of Nickel and Chromium in distilled water 纯水中重金属镍和铬迁移测试
Migration of Ni and Cr in 0.5%citric acid (p/v) 0.5%柠檬酸中铬镍迁移
Additive Overall migration to Cast Iron with organic coating 对带有机涂层的铸铁制品的附加测试-全面迁移测试:
Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物异辛烷浸取法
Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物95%酒精浸取法
Tin 锡制品要求
Content of undesirable elements and Chemical composition Tin 限制金属元素测试和锡制品的特殊金属成分分析
Migration of Antimony 重金属锑迁移量测试
"Various other metals (bleached metal), Zinc, Tin alloy or unknown metal
除上述金属制品以外的金属,如锌,锡合金和其他金属 "
Content of undesirable elements 限制金属含量测试
Migration of Nickel and Chromium in distilled water 纯水中重金属镍和铬迁移测试
Migration of Ni and Cr in 0.5%citric acid (p/v) 0.5%柠檬酸中铬镍迁移
Non-stick coating 有机涂层要求(如不粘锅表面涂层)
2.Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物异辛烷浸取法
Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油替代物95%酒精浸取法